Sunday, December 13, 2009

Holiday Walk 2009 and a wee tree

This is the first year that Rafa (and now, Luca, under R's tutelage) has an awareness of Santa, reindeer, and all holiday trappings...he also knows to look through the jillions of toy catalogs that arrive by the day to find the trucks and tractors he and Luca most want. So far we've convinced them both that Santa brings ONE toy per child. And when we met Santa during the Holiday Walk last weekend, what did Rafa say he wanted? A blue tractor. Luca chimed in he wanted the same. Rafi since has amended this to be a fire engine. So it will be.

Snow is here in the Berkshires...a few shots of snowy fun during the Holiday Walk and of the wee Christmas tree (we are heading to Puerto Rico for actual Christmas, to further confound the Santa storyline) we put up, also last weekend.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Holidays to ALL!

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