Monday, August 18, 2008

The cousins come to town!

My sister Tirza, her husband Brent, and their beautiful daughters Anna and Georgia are in town to visit for a few days.  They just got here last night and we are having a blast.  

Here's a pic of us in the hammock.   Finally nice summer weather after the monsoon season we've had.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Luca's turned four months old!

Our darling Luca turned FOUR months old on August 11!  

He's such a good baby, a champ eater, and starting to be a great sleeper.  Rafi still loves him so -- calls him "mama" (good default in our household) and is continually kissing him.

Here's a recent, wonderful picture of Luca in his sweet glory.  

Friday, August 8, 2008

I finally succumbed...

Yes, it's true.  Rafi's beautiful, flowing locks were starting to impede his vision.  Even I would admit it.  

So while visiting Tia Hoan and Tio Neil, at Tia's urging, I cut Rafi's hair. Just a little -- just the bangs -- so he can see what he's walking into.  

So the Jonas Brothers will have to look for another bandmate.  Rafi's out.

Here are before and after shots.  He's still a cutie pie and now he can see without a hair clip.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Yes, a double stroller

Thanks to the generosity of our friends Gage and Wendy (whose twins are now five) we are the proud users of a double stroller.  Wow.  

Here are our near twin babies on a recent stroll.