Wednesday, April 16, 2008

11 months old today!

This photo was taken on R's 11 month bday.   Words are useless to describe this incredible boy. 
Happy birthday, monkey.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

C'mon Get Happy

I love this photo of Rafi.  I know it shows my age, but with his wide side part and striped bell bottom pants, Rafi looks like is one of the lost Partridge Family kids. 

Note photo below and imagine Rafito superimposed in this family portrait with one of the main characters on the show, the bus. Pretty perfect fit. 

Move over Chris, Stacy, Laurie, Danny and Keith. Make room for Rafi.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Rafi Crawls!

In pursuit of his favorite object in life, sunglasses (well any glasses really), Rafi crawled this morning!  His first real foray into the sport and he looked like a pro.  It was a sight for his proud moms.  Who knew what a motivator these glasses would be.

His primary move is commando style.  To add a challenge, Rafi was wearing fleece pajamas and attempting his capture of the glasses on his rug, so his face showed his determination to overcome the velcro-like friction he was encountering.  Pretty entertaining.

No I don't have a photo of the boy in action (happened at 6.45 am) but here's another cute shot of Rafi from this morning at breakfast with the object of his affection -- his gafas...or in Rafi speak, his "ahh-gaahs".